Did you know that Panic Rooms can be traced as far back as ancient Egypt? Secret Rooms were built within ancient pyramids to protect an entombed Pharaoh's treasures from thieves. However, in terms of safety for the living, the idea of the Panic Room began with castles.
The "castle keep", a room located in the deepest part of the castle, was designed so the feudal lord could hide during a siege. "Priest holes", another precursor to the Panic Room, were designed to hide Catholic priests during the 17th century, when persecution of Catholics was at its height in England.
In the United States, you can trace panic rooms to the Underground Railroad in the 1800's, when Secret Rooms hid escaping slaves. In the 1920's, hidden rooms stashed prohibition-banned alcohol.

An example of a Hidden or Secret Room
The features of a modern Panic Room are mostly derived from fallout shelters during the 1960's, which were created in response to the fear of nuclear attack.
Modern residential Panic Rooms began appearing in the United States about 25 years ago and are now widely used in Europe as well as the rest of the world.
While some may laugh off Panic Rooms as money pits that placate the fears of the wealthy and the paranoid, modern Panic Rooms are increasing in popularity among those desiring security in a society where violent crime is on the increase. Panic Rooms are the ultimate in personal security at home.
Anyone who has suffered at the hands of a burglar or thief during a property invasion or theft, will appreciate and understand the need for a place with which to retreat where you can feel safe and be in control.
Hidden and Secret Rooms
A Hidden or Secret Room is a room or location that is hidden from plain sight.

An example of a Hidden or Secret Room
These rooms are more multi-purpose. It can be a space that you do not want outsiders to see, a room that is special or private or a place to hide.
The room itself could be a space that is unused or a space that is an unusual shape or too small for everyday use. It could be a cupboard under the stairs, a cellar, a room inside a wardrobe or even attic space - but somewhere that no one outside of the household knows is there.
Generally, access is through a door which is masked / disguised to look like something else or blends in but should be easily accessible and quick to get to in case it is needed.

An example of a Hidden or Secret Room under the stairs
Possible uses of a Hidden or Secret Room: -
- Games Room
- Television Room
- Wine Cellar
- Children's playroom
- Place for storage of valuable and safes
Panic and Safe Rooms
A Safe or Panic Room is more comprehensive than a Secret or Hidden Room although the two types share similarities.
The main similarity between the two types of room is that they should both be hidden from sight and should blend into their surroundings. Both can be used as a Secret or Hidden Room but that is where the similarities end.

An example of a Hidden or Secret Room cross-section
A Safe or Panic Room is a place where you know you are safe from harm should you need arise to access it in the event of break-in, burglary, or other form of home invasion.
Key features of a Hidden or Secret Room: -
- A Safe or Panic Room will have a solid door that can only be opened when inside the room or through an electronic lock.
- A Safe or Panic Room will have walls that are reinforced so that the room is not easily penetrable.
- A Safe or Panic Room should have its own electricity supply which can be self-powered via a battery system should the property lose
power or the power supply is severed.
- A Safe or Panic Room will have a separate form of communication from the rest of the property such as 4G mobile network access.
- A Safe or Panic Room should have its own ventilation or air-conditioning
- A Safe or Panic Room should have access to security cameras via monitors to view what is happening in the property.
- A Safe or Panic Room should contain some creature comforts such as a sofa, bed or blankets.
- A Safe or Panic Room should contain refreshments and where possible a toilet.
- A Safe or Panic Room should have a First Aid kit, a fire extinguisher and any critical medicine that may be needed by a family

It is key that the Safe or Panic Room is not reliant on the rest of the property for anything so you can remain, hidden and secure until you can see it is safe to leave by viewing security cameras, the authorities arrive, or you are rescued.
Pedigree Security designs, builds and equips both types of room - Hidden / Secret Rooms and Safe / Panic Rooms.
Our security team understand the need for secrecy, anonymity and construct the room to the style and needs of the client to the highest specification using only the best materials to ensure a totally secure location within the property.
These rooms can be standalone or can be incorporated into a basement, attic space, garage or even an unused room in the property.
Bringing together all elements of The Pedigree Group and ProjectionDreams, Pedigree Security will integrate the building, security cameras, networking and communication, electrics, air conditioning and ventilation, entertainment, and comfort to the security room so in the event you need to use the room, you can be assured it will be ready, if and when you need it.